How to leave your corporate job after you have a baby

Wondering why an ambitious Microsoft employee decided to create a virtual yoga studio for mamas? Curious about how she transitioned from a corporate salary salary at all?


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How to Modify Half Moon Pose for Pregnancy

I often hesitate to teach half moon pose in my prenatal yoga / postnatal yoga classes because it requires so much concentration on stability to avoid injury - which is more likely with a lot...

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Want an Empowered Birth?


If you are wanting to do what you can to avoid birth-related trauma [to have an Empowered Birth] or you've ever felt a pang of sadness or regret when you think about something that happened...

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Baby kicking you under the ribs?

Ouch. It can really hurt when you have a human inside your belly who likes to kick you under your ribs...right in the liver. 

Here's a modified Warrior One pose that can help to make more...

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When your belly feels tight: Windmill Pose

We love the simple, stable, fluid movement in the Windmill pose for creating more space around the ribs and belly. 

There comes a time in many women's pregnancy when they wonder "this gigantic...

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Home birth with breech twins


Meet Carolina. She was told that she couldn't have children. She disagreed, and found a way to do so by changing her diet. For real.

She got pregnant with twins (with no medical intervention). She...

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The Chair Snow Flow

Whether you're digging your heels into sand or snow right now, give yourself the gift of some fresh air and feel your strength and grace as you flow through this chair pose.

I highly recommend...

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A DownDog flow that I LOVE

I attended a yoga class last week where the teacher lead the group through a series of sun salutations - even with a couple of pregnant women in the class. I am not a fan of sun salutations during...

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Pigeon Pose for Pregnancy

With a few pillows, a nice soft mat and a strong foundation as you set up the pose, pigeon can be really really nice during pregnancy.

I recommend doing this same modification in the fourth...

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Modified back-release pose for pregnancy (or when you just don't want to lay on your back)

Whether it is because you're at work or aren't able to lay down, or you're very pregnant, you can modify back-release pose by sitting on a chair. This pose is awesome in releasing tension in the...

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