Listening to Your Womb

Sep 23, 2019

Around six years ago I went for a massage to help break up the scar tissue from my cesarean section surgery. During that massage I heard my Womb speak for the first time. 

Before that moment I had NO idea that a womb could SPEAK.

Her words opened my heart and initiated me into a healing journey that has been wild, exciting, terrifying and SO DEEPLY SATISFYING. 

I stand here, now, feeling whole and also knowing that there is also more work to do.

It is an honor to introduce you to the woman who helped me hear from my Womb that first time in this interview.

Meet Jamie Renee Lashbrook. Listen to her words. Feel moved by the spontaneous story and meditation that she shares. And consider joining me in her upcoming online mentorship...

More info about Jamie - and her contact details - here:

Namaste, beautiful mama!


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