Home birth with breech twins

Feb 28, 2018

Meet Carolina. She was told that she couldn't have children. She disagreed, and found a way to do so by changing her diet. For real.

She got pregnant with twins (with no medical intervention). She was told she would have to deliver them on an operating table.

Carolina believed there had to be a better way. She'd figured it out before, and she would figure it out again.

Boy did she figure it out. 

Her twins were born at home, in the water, with their sacks still intact, with the support of a highly skilled and experienced midwife. 

I highly recommend listening to her birth story, and the inspiring steps she took that led her to such a joyful experience.

If you would prefer to download the audio only (to take it on a walk or a drive like I do!), you can do so from the MTRNL Library by signing up for our free seven day prenatal yoga trial here. The audio is in our "Prenatal Yoga Library" under "Birth Stories".



PS - here are the links that Carolina refers to during our chat:





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