The best prenatal vitamin

Aug 11, 2018

Meet Susan Piergeorge: MS, RDN is a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist with over three decades in nutrition counseling, health promotion, food, culinary and pharmaceutical industry experience. 

I had the pleasure of chatting with Susan this week about prenatal vitamins. 

If you have ever wondered whether the vitamin you are taking is actually doing anything for you (and your baby) then listen in to this video.

Susan provides really clear answers to questions including:

  • Why are there different formula’s for each trimester in pregnancy?
  • What is the difference between each formula?
  • What does a healthy diet look like, and how can we ensure our diet is working with – not against – our vitamins?
  • How long before conception should a woman start taking preconception vitamins?
  • Should her partner be taking something too?
  • Why aren’t all vitamin brands the same? Some brands seem to feel better than others; does that mean they are superior ingredients or processes?


If you have any questions, please jump on over to the MTRNL Facebook Page and comment on the video there.





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